100 Third Avenue | Block : 558 | Lot #30
Description & Building Alterations
Formerly a four-story, 19th-century building, the facade was completely refaced and an extensive rooftop addition was built between 2009 and 2012. The now seven-story building features a metal facade.
In the past this lot held many different functions. In the 1830s, it composed part of was a factory owned by Ebenezer Pray along with Lots 28 and 29. The lots were divided by 1865 and Lot 30 was used as a saloon. By 1899, it was converted into lofts and a concert hall. Starting in this era, a saloon and concert hall called Blank’s Winter Garden showcased vaudeville performers and attracted Tin Pan Alley songwriters as a venue to present their works. During the 1900s, different theater companies occupied the space: first the Comet, and then the Lyric Theater in 1936. In the 1960s-70s, it was called the Jewel Theater, known for playing all-male films. In the 1980s it was the Bijou, which played XXX fares until city officials closed it in 1989.
Block : 558 / Lot : 30 / Building Date : 1837-39/2012 alt. / Original Owner : Ebenezer Pray / Original Use : Industrial / Original Architect : Unknown
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